Telecommunication, signalling networks
Closed passages of the pipelines of different diameters in the way of reeving and drilling
Power networks of up to 10 kV.
Renovation of pipelines
Water supply and wastewater networks
Restoration of coverings and creation of living environment
Having started its business activities in 1976, in recent years our telecommunication network construction company has expanded the particularity of its operations by equipping engineering networks. Registered office of the Company is in Vilnius, the Company also has a branch in Alytus. We operate in the entire territory of the Republic. The Company is certified to perform telecommunication, signalling, power, water supply design and installation operations in the objects of a particular importance. Business activities performed by the Company are managed according to the requirements of the quality management system standard ISO 9001.

Address: Žirnių str. 4, LT- 02120 Vilnius
Company ID: 122597798
Phone: +370 (5) 215 23 26
Fax: +370 (5) 215 23 35
Address: Naujoji str. 140E, LT- 62175 Alytus
Phone: +370 3 15 78 222
Fax: +370 3 15 78 222